Snow shovel safety tips- Masi Polar Plus ergonomic adjustable sleigh Snow pusher shovel

Snow shovel safety tips- Masi Polar Plus ergonomic adjustable sleigh Snow pusher shovel


But with really big snow storms – and even everyday, run-of-the-mill snowfalls – comes a risk of death by shoveling. Nationwide, snow shoveling is responsible for thousands of injuries .

Not at all, says Harvard Health Executive Editor Patrick J. Skerrett. "Picking up a shovel and moving hundreds of pounds of snow, particularly after doing nothing physical for several months, can put a big strain on the heart,"


Pushing a heavy snow blower also can cause injury. And, there's the cold factor. Cold weather can increase heart rate and blood pressure. It can make blood clot more easily and constrict arteries, which decreases blood supply. This is true even in healthy people. Individuals over the age of 40 or who are relatively inactive should be particularly careful..


Push the snow rather than lifting it you do lift it, use a small shovel or only partially fill the shovel.. Lift with your legs, not your back. Do not work to the point of exhaustion.


Masi polar plus ergonomic snow pusher shove; =safe on the back

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