
Masi Snow Max Ergonomic Adjustable efficient power Pusher scoop are now shipping from new jersey to all usa locations. September 1, 2015 12:03

The new product was launched successfully and already in the 1980s, in Finland, the "light, durable and easy gliding" Masi snow pusher shovels superseded its competitors made of reinforced plastic or steel sheet. Also our competitors began to use this tried and true material. But Masi moved on and, alongside the basic Masi 82 snow pusher, we developed a larger Pro model with a shaving edge as well as a smaller Masi 64 model. Updated versions of all these models are still included in our selection.

Masi polar Snow Pusher review New York Times February 18, 2015 19:03

New York Times by Jay Romano

Your Home; The Basics of Snow Removal

February 8, 2004


A relatively new addition to the homeowner's snow remover arsenal is the Masi Nova Snow Pusher.


''I love it,'' said Nicole Gay, manager of Towers Flowers in West Islip, N.Y. ''It's not heavy, not awkward, and it's easy on the back.'' Ms. Gay said that she just started using the shovel this year, and that it is much easier to use, and moves more snow, than ordinary shovels.

The Masi Nova, which is manufactured by Motoseal, a company in Rauma, Finland, is a combination, of sorts, of a shovel and a pusher. (Picture a 31-inch-wide-by-26-inch-deep dustpan with high sloping sides, a high back and a U-shaped, baby-carriage-like handle attached at both sides.)


the design of the shovel makes it possible to move large amounts of snow easily because the bottom of the shovel slides over the ground like a child's plastic sled. When the bucket is full, he said, the user just rotates the plastic bucket to one side or the other and dumps the snow. ''You never have to lift the shovel except to put it away,'' he said. (The shovel, which lists for $70, is available at


Masi polar plus Snow Pusher made in finland May 16, 2014 22:06 1 Comment


Introducing the new 2014 Masi Polar Plus Snow Pusher Shovel manufactured 

and designed in Finland. The best snow pusher shovel in the world 

utilizing Finnish Snow-How. Suomi Svenska

Welcome to World  PrimoShop! Your place for Quality Merchandise including the Award Winning Ultimate Masi Polar Plus snow pusher shovel designed and manufactured  in Finland . Primoshop is the exclusive distributor in the United States and Canada  for the most innovative and ergonomically designed snow removal system on the market.  Clear you driveway faster 60 % than a traditional snow shovel or snow blower and save your back.